Thursday, August 15, 2013


Timing is everything.  One of the many things we hear growing up.  Only through bad timing do we actually learn it. Repeatedly, over and over again, our entire lives, we miss things (maybe we never do learn it?)   But, sometimes, the timing is spot on, in the less likely of circumstances.

Maybe it's God's way of saying, "you're timing's not perfect, mine is.  Sit back and enjoy the ride."

Maybe our world is saying, "hold up, wait a minute, that door hasn't opened yet."

We push and pull so hard, striving for things that we swear will make us happy.

my social media on July 5th:

You can't make everyone happy, or even one person happy all the time. Your happiness really depends on you. And, if you're happy, that happy may, in turn, help someone else be happy. So, in the end, all you can really do, is choose to be happy. ...... but alas, you can't expect to be happy all the time, so content is good, and more rewarding in the long run. ... Own your happiness, and let others borrow it from time to time 

"Own your happiness."

Here's to old discoveries made anew:
True success and happiness can only be found through a series of mistakes and bad timing.


                                                                                                                  -Discover Your Unique

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