Everyone comes from different experiences and has a different
understanding of the world. Don't make the assumption that your perspective is
the right one; it's just the right one for you.
I wrote that a while ago, but I like to reread it occasionally to remind myself why I originally thought of it. Many people automatically think of the person/s in their lives that are so very different from themselves. The haughty mom in the PTA, the meth-head at the local clinic, the CEO of a high-powered corporation, or maybe the church lady that is constantly "judging" you or others. Before I continue, I would like to point out, that those people are not really "different" from you, they just have a different understanding of the world (like the quote says).
Back to why I originally had this thought. It was my children. We raise our children to be mini-us. They follow us, walk and talk like us, spend every waking moment possible with us, but yet they develop into radically different people from us. When the baby takes his/her first breathe, the world around them is being absorbed in a completely different pattern than what we lived. They are being blessed with their own unique process. It will definitely not be the world we grew up in. It can't be. As scary as it sometimes sounds to us, it is very exciting for them. I remind myself regularly of their unique perceptions, so I don't accidentally squash that excitement and discovery for them.
I try to keep up with the ever-evolving world and embrace every moment I can.... especially with my babies :)
-Discover Your Unique
(What did you discover unique today?)