Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wow, nothing like waiting 8+ months....  I guess my 30s hit me.  Also, a lot of self-defeating attitude when it came to blogging.  Who really wants to read my mind's wanderings? Am I arrogant enough to think what I have to say is really that important...?  Yeah, I guess I am.  I just like to write.  And talk. And play devil's advocate.  It's all on that pursuit of knowledge.
I write quite a bit in my journals.  Pencil to paper is so much easier than fingers to keys. No one reads those though. Thank God. LOL.
I guess I should just start anywhere and let it go. 
Do I inspire anyone? I sure hope so.  I want to keep making the world a little better.  We all want to leave a mark, right? 
Is that a problem though.  Do we all strive to have "a story?"  Do we feel somewhat less important if our story is blander than the latest Reality TV's super star?   Do we create more drama than necessary to fill that void that society projects we have?
I do have a story.  A quite dramatic one.  When I stop to think about it, I usually find myself feeling disconnected to it, like it was a movie.  I find myself pushing against it, just to not fit the norm of today.
Do our children feel the need to have "a story?"  Is that what we have created? 

Today's discovery: My youngest has my laugh. Being that he is the happiest kid I know, I find myself complimented.  
Make your kiddo laugh today.  Who do they sound like?

Discover Your Unique

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

About Me

I suppose a little about me would be great, huh?  My "me" info covers quite a bit of my likes, not many dislikes and nothing about my day to day.
I have 3 beautiful, highly intelligent, creative kids.  Yes, I said beautiful and smart.  What good parent doesn't think this?  Honestly.  I'm not going to play modest, we definitely lucked out and made some awesome friggin kids!  Even the annoying habits my kids have are still pretty awesome.  I love their uniqueness. I could gush all day about them, and, honestly, I will probably annoy you at some point talking about them, constantly.  I love em :)
Another love in my life is my husband.  Yep, I'm typical.  I have awesome kids and a husband who's my best friend.  Sick of reading my posts yet? :) Hang in there, through the gush, comes some actual thought.
I wasn't a typical child.  I had a single mom, step dad later, and some pretty serious adolescent issues that I will save for possible future posts.  I don't think I'm quite ready to share that baggage quite yet!  I will say though, that I was lucky enough to grow up in a community that was active in raising all the youth, supporting us, and wanting the best for all of us.  I think I should clarify "community;" it's wasn't my school. (definitely not, more opinions on that later) The surrounding area I actually grew up in.  The name of this extremely small community is Freedom.  I have deep heritage there, all the way back to my great-great grandparents.  A lot of my family is still there, and I still attend church there. And the family that wasn't actually family, felt like family.  I will reference this town often, being such a huge part of my childhood.  (more detailed description of this eclectic lil community later).
I have two brothers I grew up with and a brother I'm just now getting to know.  They all gave me 3 pretty awesome sister-in-laws.  I feel blessed to get my "sisters" later (no growing up drama and crazy baggage :), although one of them was a best friend of mine growing up (another fascinating story).  
I find the people in my life to be the most important: they make me who I am.  So many were left out here, but I'm sure I will hit them as posts go on. 
Now, for the boring details:
I am a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom) and a full time student.  I am studying Art Education, and in the end (FOREVER far away, no, really about 2 more years), I will have my art (k-12) cert, MS Eng cert, and then working on my gifted cert and MA in Guidance/Counseling.  
I am an artist.  I love the process of creating. My preferred media is... probably acrylic, but I Love watercolor!
I am an advocate for just about anything that needs advocating: the arts, special needs, sex education (yep), our children (all), the list could go on and on.  
I am very active in my church, like running the youth group (we're small, literally the kids are very young and not many, but don't underestimate our power :)  
Alright, I think that's enough for now, cause I think I just bored myself to sleep!  But I suppose you need to know some to understand later.  You'll discover more about me in my posts; the base has a good start.  

Today's discovery:  The joy of building a fort with sheets and blankets. Haven't felt that since I was a kid.  Built one in the boys' room (they are 5 and 2 years old).  We had a snack and played games in it.  Try it soon and refind that youthful joy :)

Discover Your Unique

Note:  I sound pretty fluffy, but don't let me fool you, I am extremely opinionated!  

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I am a know-it-all.  But, according to my theory, as of my 30th birthday last month, I should be too busy to know it all or to even care about starting a blog.
My theory: In your 20s, you're a know-it-all.  Your 30s are full of career and family and you don't have enough time to know much more than you do.  Your 40s, midlife crisis, empty-nesting, and rediscovery.  Your 50s. I can't wait!  possibly retired, kids out of the house, and, by now, the wisdom to enjoy life.  Yep, my 50s are going to be good :)
So, by my theory, my hair should be a mess, the kids should be screaming, and there should be a long list of chores to do.
My hair is a mess, the kids are screaming (out my office window in the back yard), and the list... it's on the frig. I'm blogging right now :)

Are you who you want to be?  I think I am.  Most of the time.  One thing, for sure, I know I'm on the right track and enjoying the ride.

Next time we meet, I will start sharing my own little discoveries and maybe help you discover some of your own.  Until then, don't forget to journal.  A few sentences today could mean the future to someone tomorrow.

Discover Your Unique